Crossroads Christian
School's fees are annual. There are no monthly costs. Fees are
good for one calendar year or one grade level, whichever comes
first (fee is not reduced for mid-year enrollments). Fees are
due at time of enrollment.
Fee Schedule:
Students in grades Kindergarten - Eighth (K-8): $75.00
per child.*
Students in grades Ninth - Eleventh (9-11): $100.00 per
Students in grade Twelve (12th) or graduating year: $175.00
*Students in grades below
ninth wanting credit for high school-level work may be charged
an additional fee. Email our office at
ccsadmin@cox.netfor more information.
Acceptance Fee:
If the student has earned high school credits at home or
through a means other than an accredited school and would like
those credits applied toward the graduation requirements, a
Credit Acceptance Fee of $100.00 is required for each year
For example: If a student enrolls in CCS for eleventh
grade they will pay a $100.00 Enrollment Fee. This
student also wants their credits for grades ninth and tenth
accepted and placed on the official transcript with CCS. In
addition to the Enrollment Fee, they will need to pay a Credit
Acceptance Fee of $100.00 for credits completed in ninth
grade, and $100.00 for credits completed in tenth grade.
The total amount due is $300.00.
Accepted credits will appear on the student's official high
school transcript, which will be mailed directly to requesting
colleges and/or schools upon graduation or departure from CCS.
Parents may review an informal listing of credits by
requesting a High School Credit Statement once a year from
Due to the additional expense in postage, international
enrollments will be charged the following fee - effective
March 1, 2016:
Grades K-11: $5.00 per student
Grade 12 or those graduating: $22.50 per student
This does not include any specialized shipping such as
Overnight or Express, nor does it cover packages that weigh
more than what is typical. Additional fees to cover
those expenses may be applied, as needed.
for Families Enrolling More than One
We offer a 20 percent discount off of the total tuition if
the family is enrolling more than one child. This
discount is only applied to the total of the tuition for
grades K-11 and does not include grade 12 (or graduating
year). There is no discount on the Credit Acceptance
Fee. The students must be all siblings
living at the same physical address.
Mary Smith - Grade 11 - $100.00
June Smith - Grade 7 - $75.00
Total: $175.00
20% Discount: - $35.00
Final Total Due: $140.00
Second Example:
Susan Taylor - Grade 10 - $100.0
Brad Taylor - Grade 5 - $75.00
Karen Taylor - Grade 6 - $75.00
Total: $250.00
20% Discount: -$50.00
New Total: $200.00
Ann Taylor - Grade 12 - $175.00
Susan Taylor's Credit Acceptance for Grade 9 - $100.00
Final Total Due: $475.00
Plan Option:
We are offering a
payment plan for a limited time. Parents may choose to pay
only 50 percent of their total tuition cost at the time of
registration with the remaining 50 percent due within 60 days.
Enroll/re-enroll now while enrollment is open. For
details, contact
Credit Acceptance
fees do not qualify for the payment plan and must be paid in
full at time of enrollment.
First payment must be submitted when
enrollment forms are mailed. Final
payment must be postmarked within 60 days of the enrollment (60
days from the postmark on the original enrollment/payment) for those who
choose to use the 50/50 Payment Plan. If the final payment
is not postmarked within 60 days, parents will be required
to pay the full tuition cost in order to remain registered and
will forfeit any payments previously made. Extensions will
not be given. Participation in the 50/50 Payment Plan is
optional. Parents who do not desire to pay in installments
may pay the total due in full at the time of registration.
Important Information:
Fees cover one calendar year or one grade level only.
If the student finishes a grade level in less than 180 days
and begins another, new fees will need to be submitted along
with the necessary enrollment forms. If the student
extends a grade level beyond a calendar year, new fees will
need to be sent to CCS. This includes reports that are
not submitted within 370 days after enrollment (one calendar
year plus five days for mailing).
For transferring students, any attendance earned from a
public or private school prior to enrolling with CCS will be
applied to the current school year. For example, if John
enrolls in CCS in November 2009 and attended Lakeshore Public
School for 20 days during the months of August and September,
those 20 days will be applied toward CCS' 180-day requirement
for that school year. The fees submitted when registered
with CCS will cover John's enrollment until August 2010.
Up to four transcripts from Crossroads to other
institutions are free. Any transcript exceeding the four
will cost $5.00 per transcript payable in advance.
There are No Refunds. Our fees are kept at a
minimum. Large portion of our service is provided at the
time of registration. Because of this and the need to
keep our costs low, we do not offer refunds. If one believes
they will immediately enroll their child into a public school,
we suggest postponing enrollment in Crossroads until a final
decision is made. Fees are subject to change without
Payment must be included with the enrollment in order for
it to be processed. Payment may be made in the form of a
money order, personal check, or credit card. We accept
credit cards through Paypal only. Checks and money
orders may be mailed to our office.
There is a $25.00 returned check fee, which includes closed
accounts or stop payments. Payment made after the case
of a returned check will need to include the additional fee
and be in the form of a Money Order or through Paypal.
Any declined or disputed Paypal payments will also have a
service fee applied. Students will be withdrawn from CCS
until the tuition and fees are paid. Records and transcripts
will not be transferred until all balances are paid in full.
To pay with Paypal, simply click on the banner.

Note: Once logged into Paypal,
click on the Send Money tab. To send a quick and secure
payment, use our email address
Don't forget to add the student's name and address in the
"Notes" section.